Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Precious Little Samantha

This was taken this beautiful Sunday morning. Samantha LOVES to go out in the front yard, We don't know what it is about the back, we feel like we're almost torturing her putting her in a huge fenced-in back yard.
She loves to roll on her back in the yard. Look at all the grass on her. She's OUR little squirt.

Mommy and Daddy are standing in the foyer talking about how much she loves to sit in the yard. It's going to be 65 degrees today.
Kerry: "SAMANTHA!!!!" She turns her head to look at us like "what are ya'll doing :) "
I had my teeth cleaned Wednesday ($140!!!!) and I'm getting a haircut this coming Friday, I will be looking so fine.


  1. I love getting my teeth's been too long!

    Sweet pictures of your little squirt.
