Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh Brother

Oh Brother - we've had a busy two nights, Saturday off to Montgomery for CMA meeting, then to Brian and Nicole's housewarming, ugh---their home is gorgeous, told Kerry OK--we are only going to stay about an hour, have you see the house, chit chat a minute, then we'll head on home because we were in Decatur. Well---we didn't get home until midnight!! I started cleaning her kitchen, because that's where everyone hangs out, and Nicole is pregnant bless her heart and she worked so hard cleaning the house up for this, and I wanted to give her a break. And Kerry was in there watching cage fighting on their HUMONGOUS TV mounted on the wall. Ugh--it's awful, they put two people in a cage (HELLO-ANXIETY ATTACK WAITING TO HAPPEN) and you beat up on each other until one of them is a pulp and he or she (there were girls doing it-I was scare of them) will hit their hand on the floor when they can't take anymore. Ugh! I told all of them-I can't be watching this so close to bedtime, I usually have dreams of whatever I'm doing before bedtime. Needless to say, I was tired when I got to church yesterday morning at 8:00.

Then to top that off, we were invited over to some friends house for food (ugh!) and a bible study. Her 3 girls and husbands and children were there. Her 3 daughters are beautiful, Natalie, Natasha, and Nekita...... But anyway, after everyone left, us four played mexican dominos where the table will look like chicken scratch as your playing, we didn't leave until 10:30, thank God they are the closed friends to our house. Everyone we know lives everywhere BUT near us..........

Oh Brother---was at the gym tonight (and I feel bad, it was all for nothing after what I just ate) and the magazines are sooooooooo old. Hello----would you please put some new ones out. I mean, Angelina and Brad are breaking up, not giving birth to a baby, as what I was reading tonight. Yes I read an old magazine BECAUSE OH BROTHER, I REFUSE, I mean REFUSE to read "Maturity Living". I am not that old yet!!!! I can pump iron with the best of them........ Well actually their the pink 3-lb rubber kind of weights, but I can still pump them with the best.

Today at work after lunch which is common, I'm trying to capture those moments and send them back to hell where they came from, but OH Brother-I wanted popcorn. I wasn't hungry, just bored, just habit, just just! So I take a dollar in change out of the coffee fund (i placed an IOU in it) and I go to the back door to the next building, because OH Brother--they have taken our candy machine out of our building, (answered prayer), but the door is blocked, we are having construction/uplifting done to the outside of the building. I have to go to the front of the building at the other end and walk outside to the back of the building then go in and walk to the break room to the popcorn machine. I thought I am NOT going to all that trouble, so I took vegies out of the fridge to eat, was getting old, dug down in there and the carrots were kinda slimy along with the cauliflower. So I chunked them in my garbage can. Ewwaa--I'm visualizing what my cubicle is starting to smell like about now. Wonder if it'll bring out all the varmints. So Tenna then says Oh-I went to Sams and bought these pretzels in a barrell about the size of a Jack Daniels Barrell, and these nuts, sesame sticks, pumpkin seed, almond mixture. Oh MY goodness. I ate like 2 handfuls. Carolyn, I hope your not reading this.........

Oh brother---tomorrow is a new day---and OH BROTHER---WE ARE GETTING OUR TAXES FILLED OUT.

I have a praise though. We have 14 rooms booked for the cruise so far...........

1 comment:

  1. Oh Brother is right...that blog wore me out! You are doing so good with your blogging. You are a pro! I'm impressed, but your life is more exhausting than my life...I know the solution...a margharita!
