Why is it it get's used on 99.999% of the mornings and sometimes in the evenings, our treadmill still collects dust. You've heard the ole saying "I'll bet this and that's sitting around drawing dust". Well this thing is not sitting, and I'm not either. I'm busting my tail end trying to get in shape, when this morning I happened to look down at the clothes hanger that I need to pick up, the Christmas gift from 4 years ago that's still under the bed (hhmm, yard sale?!?!) and the box over on the right with the Kirby Vacuum accessories that's around 60 years old (hmmmm, attic). And the bed--it'll get made next time we have company, right now, it's Samantha's. It wasn't too long ago when I dusted it off---what?!?! 3 months ago!!! I can understand my Bible being dusty, (which I am trying to do better on) but my treadmill.
Why is it people will park in a handicap spot and they look like they are in better shape than I am?!?! Why!!!! Most of the time these people do not have a handicap license plate, they've got one of those kind that is placed in the glove box that they can take out and put over their mirror. You know what I'm talking about! God rest Mother----every Saturday either Vicky and I would take Mom outfor the day, errands, groceries, or MAYBE just because she'd been cooped up in the house all week---it would be nice to get away---and enjoy herself. duh! But anyway I used to get so irritated when we would go to the commissary and there would be no handicap spots available. We would ride and ride--see Mom was in a wheelchair, almost 90 years old, I would think she would deserve one. I'd see people flying back to their car with groceries in tow like they were in a hurry to get to the wade runner waiting on them at the lake.
I could go on an on, ya'll get the jest of it. Hmmm, it just dawned on me, I have one in my glove box, YES!!! Kerry's mom gave me hers to keep in my car when we were in Gatlinburg back in November. Ahhhh, man that thing came in handy. Especially when we went to the Outlet Mall in Pigeon Forge and I believe half of the southeast was in that mall, and all I wanted to go to was Kirkland's, and PRAISE THE LORD, he answered my prayer and placed us in a handicap spot right in front of the store.
I could go on an on, ya'll get the jest of it. Hmmm, it just dawned on me, I have one in my glove box, YES!!! Kerry's mom gave me hers to keep in my car when we were in Gatlinburg back in November. Ahhhh, man that thing came in handy. Especially when we went to the Outlet Mall in Pigeon Forge and I believe half of the southeast was in that mall, and all I wanted to go to was Kirkland's, and PRAISE THE LORD, he answered my prayer and placed us in a handicap spot right in front of the store.
Why is it that they say popcorn is so healthy for you, but I can't lose weight by eating it twice in two days as a snack. SODIUM,SODIUM,SODIUM. I know it's not on my plan. And I know I shouldn't, but it tasted so good watching "You Got Mail" yesterday. Looks like I'm going to have to wear my fake wedding rings I bought at Kohl's two years ago ($6), instead of my diamonds. Down with the water today!!!
Why is it that when it says size 12 and it feels like a 10 going on why don't they say size 10. Not 12! Why? I know what your thinking! Ugh---Kathy---why not try a 14! No No NO--I was in a 12 yesterday.
My WHY'S for this beautiful rainy Sunday Morning--off to Sunday School and Worship. Why??? Because God has been so good to me and it's the least I could do for him. My goodness, a couple of hours out of a 7-day week it's not going to hurt---In fact---IT'S THE BEST!
I am loving all of your "complaints" You know one of my girlfriends in college used to have a handicap parking tag. I told her it was so wrong to use it, but she went ahead and did it anyways. I mean she was 22 years old, I think she was fine. What type of popcorn are you eating? I haev the Orville R. 94%fat free, I do not eat it a lot but it is so yummy when I do, and it stretches for a long way!